Chair Resources
Chairing an academic department is one of the most rewarding but also challenging administrative positions in higher education. The departments are quite literally where the work of the College gets done. The professional lives of the faculty and students are, by and large, lived within their academic departments. Thus the departmental climate and its operations are paramount to the success, happiness, and professional development of faculty and students.
Yet department chairs are often asked to assume these duties with little or no training, resources, or dedicated support. In recognition of the pivotal role of the department chair, this section provides a library of resources for chairs in the areas of leadership, time management, conflict management and bullying, and tips for brand new chairs.
The associate provost for academic administration, faculty development, and research also matches department chairs in their first year with experienced chairs, who serve as peer mentors.
The City University of New York (CUNY) offers a suite of in-person workshops several times per year for CUNY Chairs. Baruch chairs are strongly encouraged to avail themselves of these workshops.
Please feel free to contact the associate provost at 646-660-6514, or stop by Newman Vertical Campus, Room 4-230, should you wish to discuss any aspect of chairing.
On behalf of the College, we extend our appreciation and admiration to our department chairs!