Data-driven Decision Making
Institutional effectiveness through data-informed decisions
As part of Baruch’s approach to institutional effectiveness, we rely on a variety of sources of institutional and system data and reports to inform our assessment, planning, and resource allocation / prioritization work.
The data are all publicly available except where noted.
Institutional assessment and planning – the CUNY Performance Management Process
The City University of New York follows a performance management process (PMP) that links planning and goal setting by the University and its colleges and professional schools, measures annual progress towards key goals, and recognizes excellent performance. At the end of each academic year, each college’s progress on university and college goals is assessed, and strengths and ongoing challenges are identified. The Chancellor meets with each college president or dean annually to review institutional performance, recognize successful performance, and identify future priorities. College presidents and deans then lead their respective campus communities to advance the University and college goals. The PMP Data Book shows trends in performance indicators for the most recent academic year as well as earlier years.
Annual PMP reports are published by the CUNY Office of Institutional Research.
Baruch College Office of Institutional Research
The Baruch College Office of Institutional Research is the office responsible for official college data that gets reported to the U.S. Department of Education. OIR partners with departments across the College, and maintains the following tools.
Student enrollment, retention, and graduation data
Baruch College Fact Book where one can look up and explore data on student enrollment, retention, graduation, and degree award trends.
Baruch College Fact Sheet which provides an annual snapshot of Baruch.
Student experience survey
The Baruch College results of the CUNY Student Experience Survey is also available.
General information about Baruch College
Common Data Set includes a more detailed annual snapshot of Baruch College.
CUNY Office of Academic Affairs
The CUNY Chancellor’s University Report: Academic Matters provides quarterly information regarding program approvals and other related academic matters.
CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment
The CUNY Office of Institutional Research and Assessment is the system office that includes three units:
The CUNY Office of Institutional Research conducts a wide variety of quantitative analysis to guide policy and evaluate academic programs and administrative processes at CUNY. The office collects, manages and organizes data to support the analytic and reporting needs of the University including mandatory federal, state and city reports, ad-hoc requests, grant applications and major projects, such as enrollment management.
The CUNY Office of Policy Research (OPR) was established to pursue research questions in-depth, overseeing an agenda of research and policy analysis addressing post secondary access and performance gaps by race, income, and gender, the role of college in economic development and workforce training, and issues concerning the high school to college “pipeline” and college readiness.
The CUNY Office of Assessment is responsible for CUNY-wide student assessments, principally the CUNY Assessment Tests (CAT) for students to demonstrate basic skills proficiency upon entering the University. The Office makes available assessment information on the CUNY portal, communicating all information pertinent to the CAT, from general test descriptions to actual sample tests, study resources, and test site locations.
The CUNY Office of Institutional Research collects data and submits all college data to the US Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Baruch College is the first institution listed, and you can see our IPEDS information on enrollment, graduation rates, finance, financial aid, human resources, institutional characteristics, and outcomes measures.
This office also manages a variety of system-wide surveys such as the Student Experience Survey.
National Survey of Student Engagement
Baruch College participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement on a three-year cycle. The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) annually collects information at hundreds of four-year colleges and universities about first-year and senior students’ participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college.
While Baruch College participated in Spring 2020, results are not yet available. Baruch’s NSSE results from Spring 2017 and earlier are accessible with a Baruch Username and Password on our internal Baruch Repository of Institutional Knowledge site.
General Faculty Reports about each School and Division
Each Division and School at Baruch College produces a General Faculty Report every fall and spring semester. These reports provide updated information for the community regarding students, faculty, staff, policies, procedures, and information on budget and finance, planning, assessment, and outcomes
Faculty data
COACHE (Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education) Faculty Survey
The COACHE faculty survey is deployed throughout the CUNY system, most recently in Spring 2019.
Baruch College results of the COACHE survey are accessible with a Baruch Username and Password on our internal Baruch Repository of Institutional Knowledge site.
Academic programs
There are a few different types of sources of information on academic programs at Baruch College. These include the the Baruch College Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletin, the CUNY Academic Programs Inventory, and the New York State Inventory of Registered Programs.
Baruch College Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins
The Baruch College Undergraduate and Graduate Bulletins provide detailed narrative information about all current degree programs and course offerings at the College.
CUNY Academic Programs Inventory
In terms of data, the CUNY Academic Programs inventory provides information on enrollment and graduation by academic degree program. The most recently available report is the Fall 2019 CUNY Academic Programs Inventory. Baruch College is the first institution listed on this report.
New York State Inventory of Registered Programs
The New York State Inventory of Registered Programs is the official state record for academic programs which are allowed to enroll students in New York State. The Baruch College portion of the New York State Inventory of Registered Programs is found by going to “Search for Programs by Institution” and then selecting “330500 CUNY BARUCH COLLEGE.”
Baruch College Office of Testing and Evaluation
The Baruch College Office of Testing and Evaluation oversees the following aspects of student testing and placement:
- CUNY Assessment Program, including the Ability to Benefit examination
- CUNY Assessment Test in Writing (CAT-W) Borough Center
- Skills Course Placement
- Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)
- Student Course and Faculty Evaluation
- Conflict Examinations
Student Course Evaluations
The Baruch College Office of Testing and Evaluation oversees the College’s ongoing cycle of student course evaluations. All members of the Baruch College community may log on to the system to read results of these evaluations.