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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
These three events are presented by the Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute:
- Thursday, October 13, NVC 14-270, 5-7pm
Innovative Pedagogies for the 21st Century
RSVP: or 646 312-2065
Joss Winn and Mike Neary of the University of Lincoln in the UK will present their “Student as Producer” project, which redefines the undergraduate experience by engaging students in collaborative research with University faculty. The project emphasizes “research engaged” teaching and encourages students to understand themselves as active producers of knowledge and meaning. For more information, please visit:
Educational technology innovator, Jim Groom of the University of Mary Washington, will discuss how higher education might be re-imagined through free web tools and open course design. Groom will present some of the many open education projects he has led including a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in digital storytelling, open web radio, and UMW Blogs, an open web publishing platform which inspired many similar blogging projects, including Blogs@Baruch.
- Monday, October 17, NVC 4-249 (Soc/Ant Conference Room), 12:30-2pm
FACULTY ROUNDTABLE: Teaching Writing with Ethnography and Oral History
Meet with colleagues over coffee to share your experiences assigning ethnographic and oral history research and writing projects in the classroom. We will discuss how to scaffold and create new assignments that use these unique genres of writing in the classroom. This roundtable is open to all departments. Bring assignment and reading ideas and come share your experiences.
Refreshments will be provided, and adjuncts will be paid for their time at the non-teaching adjunct rate.
- Wednesday, October 19, NVC 14-270, 6-8pm
DIY Web Radio for Teaching and Learning
RSVP: or 646 312-2065
Readily available web streaming technologies now make it possible for anyone, anywhere to launch a web radio station and broadcast live or pre-programmed content with little more than some free software and standard computer equipment or mobile device. The panelists will use the webstream created for a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in digital storytelling (DS106) at the University of Mary Washington as a starting point for a discussion of the pedagogical potential of web radio and its power to inspire experimentation, foster creativity, establish community, and provide a platform for informal learning and collaboration.
Panelists include:
Grant Potter, e-Learning Coordinator, University of Northern British Columbia
Jim Groom, Instructional Technologist, University of Mary Washington
Michael Branson Smith, Assistant Professor of Communications Technology, York College, CUNY
GNA Garcia, Doctoral Candidate, Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut; CEO, Learning Allies
Mikhail Gershovich, Director, Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute, Baruch College, CUNY