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Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Message Archive
Thursday, November 15, 2012
This email is being sent to all members of the Baruch College faculty.
For an archive of announcements sent from the Provost’s Office beginning June 2011, see
Call it a hurricane, a superstorm or a frankenstorm, as Sandy ravaged the New York area, Baruch students reported for Dollars & Sense on the unfolding horror in articles, blog posts, photo, and video. For example, Juliya Madorskaya detailed her escape from the flooding, and Malynda Salamone described her efforts to get word on the safety of her father, who was in a nursing home in Far Rockaway when the storm hit.
Please visit and encourage your students to do so, too.
Josh Mills and Carl Rollyson
Department of Journalism and the Writing Professions