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Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Baruch College/CUNY

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Box D-701

New York, NY 10010-5585


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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


This email is being sent to all full-time members of the Baruch faculty.

 Dear Colleagues,

 All currently untenured full-time, tenure-track faculty members at Baruch below the rank of Associate Professor with two or more consecutive years of full-time teaching service at Baruch are eligible for a Lang Fellowship. Four to six Lang Fellowships will be awarded this spring for between $3,500 and $8,000.

 This year, for the first time, members of the faculty can apply for reassigned time through the Lang Fellowship. In addition to reassigned time, the Lang Fellowship may cover costs associated with research, including equipment and travel, research assistance, manuscript preparation costs and submission fees.

 The Lang Fellowship is adjudicated by the Joint Committee on Research, on which representatives from all of Baruch's schools serve. The committee welcomes applications from individuals in every department at the college. Please note that the deadline for the Lang Fellowship this year is February 15, 2012; this is considerably earlier than in the past. As part of their application, applicants must provide teaching evaluations for all courses taught for the past four semesters (Spring and Fall 2010; Spring and Fall 2011).


For more information about the Lang Fellowship please click on this link: 


Dennis Slavin

Associate Provost and Assistant Vice President

Baruch College, CUNY

646-660-6504 (phone); 646-660-6531 (fax)