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Phone: 646-660-6500

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Mailing Address:

Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Baruch College/CUNY

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Box D-701

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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


From: Arthur Downing, CIO and Chief Librarian


Please note that there are special restrictions regarding the use of the Harvard Business Review for course reservesThe license agreement for the College’s digital version of the Harvard Business Review in EBSCOhost does not permit article-level linking from the database to course reserves, as the agreement does for all other publications in the database. This is a restriction imposed by the Harvard Business Review. As a result, the library cannot place articles from this journal on e-reserve. Faculty who assign articles from the Harvard Business Review in their courses may direct students to search for the article directly in the EBSCOhost database Business Source Complete. If you have any questions please contact the library’s access services department.