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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Monday, October 3, 2011


From:  Mikhail Gershovich, Director, Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute


The Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute presents:


Innovative Pedagogies for the Future of Higher Education


The inaugural Seminar on Innovative Teachingof the Schwartz Communication Institute will take place on Thursday, October 13, 5:00pm, NVC 14-270.




Our guests will be:


Joss Winn and Mike Neary of the University of Lincoln in the UK will present their “Student as Producer” project, which redefines the undergraduate experience by engaging students in collaborative research with University faculty. The project emphasizes “research engaged” teaching and encourages students to understand themselves as active producers of knowledge and meaning. For more information, please visit:


Educational technology innovator, Jim Groom of the University of Mary Washington, will discuss how higher educationmight be re-imagined through free web tools and open course design. Groom will present some of his many open education projects, including a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in digital storytelling, an open web radio station, and UMW Blogs, an open web publishing platform which inspired many similar blogging projects, including Blogs@Baruch.


For more information on this and upcoming events in the series, please visit:


Mikhail Gershovich, Ph.D.

Director, Bernard L. Schwartz Communication Institute;

Coordinator, Writing Across the Curriculum Program

Baruch College, CUNY

One Bernard Baruch Way, Box J-318 | New York, NY  10010

office: (646)312-2062 | mobile: (347) 721-7014 | fax: (646)312-2061