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General Contact Information


Phone: 646-660-6500

Fax: 646-660-6501




Mailing Address:

Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Baruch College/CUNY

One Bernard Baruch Way
Box D-701

New York, NY 10010-5585


Walk-In Address:

Administrative Center

135 East 22nd Street, 7th Floor

Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Dear Colleagues:

As the Central Office did last winter, CUNY is again offering an online workshop in January (January 5-18) for those planning to teach partly or fully online classes in the spring. As before, participants will be paid for 10 hours at the non-teaching adjunct rate for their participation. (Nine members of the Baruch faculty participated in the program last January and fifteen participated this past summer.)

Here is the link both to the description of the program and to the application form (at the end):     Applications are due not later than December 7.

Supervisors will then be notified (and the provost’s office will be cc'ed) to verify that each applicant:
1) will indeed be teaching a fully online or hybrid course in the spring term, and
2) is an important member of the instructional staff, likely to have a positive influence on the spread of online or hybrid teaching.

According to George Otte, CUNY’s Director of Academic Technology: “for this workshop, it will be especially important to verify that what is learned in the workshop will be applied in the spring semester for an interesting reason: spring [2012] will be the last semester before the Blackboard upgrade. Future sessions (planned for April and the summer) will be done, not on our current version (Blackboard 8), but on Blackboard 9.1.” 

Questions about the program should be directed to George Otte:  or 212 541-0411

Questions about your teaching schedule and the “spread of online or hybrid teaching” in your department should be directed to your chair or associate dean.


Dennis Slavin

Associate Provost and Assistant Vice President

Baruch College, CUNY

646-660-6504 (phone); 646-660-6531 (fax)