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Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Baruch College/CUNY

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Box D-701

New York, NY 10010-5585


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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Monday, September 24, 2012


This email is being sent to all members of the Baruch College faculty.


For an archive of announcements sent from the Provost’s Office beginning June 2011, see



With no classes scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and with certification numbers still low, reminding members of the faculty yet again to certify their class rosters seems prudent. If you have already certified, thank you. If not, please do so by 11:59pm on Thursday.   DS



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Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2012 2:12 PM
Subject: REMINDER: mandatory certification period began yesterday


From:  Leslie Sutton-Smith, Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services


Dear Faculty,


Our certification of rosters period for the fall term runs from Tuesday, September 18 through Thursday, September 27th. ROSTERS WILL BE CERTIFIED DURING THIS PERIOD ONLY!


Certification of attendance through erosters is a CUNY requirement.  It is vital that rosters be certified for each one of the course offerings as it affects compliance with federal regulations and students receiving financial aid.


Friday, September 14, was the final day for students to “drop” a course without receiving a “W” grade. During the eRoster certification process you are required to verify that all students listed are actually attending the class. For any student, who has never attended a class and there is no documented evidence (such as a completed assignment) or the student’s participation in the course, you are to award the grade of “WN,” which indicates “no show” and is non-punitive (has no impact on the Grade Point Average).  Students awarded this grade receive an email telling them this.


You will also, at this time, be able to assign “WU” grades, which are an early failure in the course based upon poor attendance.


If, after the certification period, a student approaches you because he/she believes he should be reinstated, you may only change the grade through use of the “WN/WU” reversal process in your respective Dean’s office. Please note the “WU” cannot be reversed to allow the student to officially drop the course.


If you have any questions or issues about this, please contact in the Registrar’s office, or phone (646) 312-1172.




eRoster - Instructions for Course Roster Certification and WN/WU Reporting



The eRoster system allows instructors to view, print, download and certify their course rosters and assign WN/WU grades to student's in their courses.


Access the eRoster


2.      Enter your last name and the last six digits of your SSN social security number


You will be presented with your course assignment list for the current semester. NOTE - If you are unable to login, or if you are missing a course, make sure that it has been assigned to you by checking the Schedule of Classes. If you are not listed as the instructor for a course, have your departmental administrator verify the course assignment with the Registrar.


Certify Your Roster:


A button labeled "Certify Roster" will appear alongside each of your courses which require certification (courses beginning later in the semester will not have this button.)  Click the button next to the appropriate course


1.      For students listed on the roster who are attending class, make no entry


2.      If there are students attending your class whose names are not on the roster, they are not officially registered for the courses. Refer these students to the Office of the Registrar, Room 850, 151 E 25th St.


3.      Undergraduate Courses - Assign a “WU” together with the date of last attendance for those students with excessive absences, or a "WN" for students who never attended. Graduate Courses - Assign a "WN" ONLY for students who have never attended.


4.      Select the "Certify Roster" check box


5.      Select the "Submit" button to send the certification to the Registrar


Please review the e-Roster Certification link for additional information.   WHERE IS THIS LINK?


Leslie Sutton-Smith

Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Services

Baruch College

One Bernard Baruch Way

NY, NY 10010
