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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Tuesday, May 8, 2012



This email is being sent to all members of the Baruch College faculty.


 Thinking About Civic Engagement at a Metropolitan Public University


The Weissman School of Liberal Arts and Sciences cordially invites you to a talk and discussion by

David Scobey, Executive Dean of The New School For Public Engagement



Christopher Hallowell, Journalism, and Shelly Eversley, English

with students Similoluwa Ojurongbe and Elizabeth Greenberg


Monday May 14th, 12:30-2:30, NVC 14-285

Light lunch will be served


David Scobey is a national leader in developing innovative methods of engaging higher education institutions with communities

outside the academy. He has spearheaded successful initiatives first at the  University of Michigan, and then at

Bates College in Maine, before coming to The New School in 2010. He is a former Chair of Imagining America.


RSVP by calling 312-646-3870 or by emailing