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General Contact Information


Phone: 646-660-6500

Fax: 646-660-6501




Mailing Address:

Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Baruch College/CUNY

One Bernard Baruch Way
Box D-701

New York, NY 10010-5585


Walk-In Address:

Administrative Center

135 East 22nd Street, 7th Floor

Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Message Archive

Friday, November 18, 2011


Dear Colleagues,


On Friday morning, December 9, Provost James McCarthy will be speaking on a panel at a conference at Baruch sponsored by the University Faculty Senate and the CUNY Academy. The panel will respond to a keynote presentation by Dr. Benjamin Ginsberg, David Bernstein Professor of Political Science at Johns Hopkins University and author of The Fall of the Faculty: the Rise of the All-Administrative University and Why It Matters (Oxford University Press, 2011), described on the attached as a “lively, humorous, and incisive critique of the changing composition of the American university.” The discussion will focus on “how faculty can assert their professional roles and obligations in what he describes as an administrative rather than academic university.”


A modest lunch will be provided.


Attendance is only for those registered to attend:


To register:

1.) print the form at  or

2.) email   or

3.) call 212-794-5539.


Questions should be addressed to the organizers.


Dennis Slavin

Associate Provost and Assistant Vice President

Baruch College, CUNY

646-660-6504 (phone); 646-660-6531 (fax)