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Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
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Box D-701
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Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Message Archive
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
From: Keri Bertino, Director, Baruch College Writing Center
Dear Members of the Faculty:
As classes begin, I wanted to send you an update on our services for the new semester.
1. We are again offering 15-minute classroom visits, intended to familiarize your students with the Writing Center's services. Please visit <> to download a classroom visit request form, and then email it to or drop it off at NVC 8-185.
2. This year, the Writing Center offers 12 workshops in four skill clusters: Reading and Interpretation; Structuring an Argument; Writing with Research; and Revising and Process. Workshops will be offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays from 1-2pm in the Feit Seminar room (or, in the case of the Analyzing Images workshop, in the Mishkin Gallery). Please visit <> for a complete workshop schedule, and for instructions on how students can sign up.
In addition, this semester we would like to make available all lesson plans, materials, and readings that the Writing Center has developed for this extensive set of workshop offerings for use in the classroom. Please visit <> to view and download materials from Writing Center workshops.
3. The Writing Center has a new Facebook page. Please "like" Baruch College Writing Center on Facebook, and/or encourage your students to do so, to show your support for the Center and keep abreast with our latest offerings and news.
4. Please continue throughout the semester to nominate your students' strong writing for publication in i Magazine, Baruch's online journal of outstanding student writing. Email your students' work to More information is available here: <>. We're still happy to accept nominations from the Spring 2011 semester.
5. The Writing Center has an average of 119 appointments available per week for a campus of nearly 17,000 students. Please understand that we may not be able to accommodate every student in your class if you require each student to visit the Writing Center as part of an assignment, and we are unable to make special accommodations for such requirements. For more information, please see <>.
Warm wishes for a productive semester,
Keri Bertino