Sustainability-Related Courses and Programs
This page last updated on: March 22, 2024
Inventory of Sustainability-Related Courses and Programs in the Baruch Curriculum
Marxe School of International and Public Affairs
Undergraduate Courses
PAF 3442 Cities and Sustainability
PAF4199 Special Topics – Energy, Climate, and Society
Graduate Courses (MPA and MIA)
PAF 9143 Green and Growing Cities
PAF 9185 Environmental Policy
PAF 9187 Energy and Climate Policy
PAF 9431 The Policy Implications of Global Climate Change
Proposed (3/24) MPA Specialization
Climate Change
Weissman School of Arts and Sciences
All Undergraduate Courses
BLS/LTS/ENV 3200 Climate Justice
JRN 3800 Covering Climate Change
BIO 1015 Fundamentals of Biology: Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology
BIO 3001 Principles of Biology II
Environmental Science courses
All Environmental Science courses either touch on sustainability or are an option in the Interdisciplinary minor in Sustainability. Here is a comprehensive list of these ENV courses at Baruch:
ENV 1003 and 1004 (pathways courses)
ENV/BIO 2100
All ENV 3000 and 4000 level courses (those in bold are currently offered on a regular basis)
- BIO/ENV 3009 Conservation Biology and Sustainable Development (4.5 credits)
- BIO/ENV 3016 Environmental Modeling (4 credits)
- BIO 3020 Biology of Invertebrates (4 credits)
- BIO/ENV 3030 Principles of Evolution: Processes, Patterns, and the History of Life (4 credits)
- BIO/PSY 3032 Animal Behavior (4 credits)
- BIO 3040 Plants in Action (4 credits)
- BIO/ENV 3050 Freshwater Ecology (4 credits)
- ENV 3001 Introduction to Environmental Science (4 credits)
- ENV 3002 Energy Conservation (4 credits)
- ENV 3003 Human Conservation (4 credits)
- ENV 3005 Economic and Legal Aspects of Ecology (4 credits)
- ENV 3008 Air and Water Pollution (4 credits)
- ENV 3015/3015L Tropical Reef Ecology (4 credits)
- ENV 4005 Ecosystem Sustainability (4 credits)
- ENV 4900 Topics in Environmental Science (4 credits)
- IDC 4010/IDC 4010H The Susan Locke Interdisciplinary Capstone in Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change (4 credits)
Courses in other departments that count towards the ENV Minor in Sustainability:
- BLS 3200 Climate Justice
- CIS 3700 Green IT* (3 credits)
- ECO 3511 Contemporary Economic Development (3 credits)
- GEOG 3009 Introduction to Human Geography (3 credits)
- GEOG 3036 World Regional Geography (3 credits)
- JRN 3800 Environmental Reporting (3 credits)
- LAW 3122 Law and the Environment* (3 credits)
- LAW 3400 Law, Business and Sustainability* (3 credits)
- PAF 3442 The Environment, Political Choices, and Public Policy (3 credits)
- PHI 3200 Environmental Ethics (3 credits)
- POL 3317 The Politics of Energy and the Environment (3 credits)
- PSY 3185 Environmental Psychology (3 credits)
POL 3317 Politics of Energy & the Environment
Many other POL courses potentially discuss sustainability issues: (e.g., POL 2353 Public Policy and POL 3319 Social Movements and U.S. Politics). Additionally, the Department of Political Science worked with Marxe to develop the new Public Service minor and participates in the interdisciplinary Weissman Global Studies and Law and Policy minors, both of which include courses related to sustainability.
Sustainability and Climate Cluster
In 2023, the Philosophy and Psychology departments hired new faculty members, Professors Dan Li (PHI) and Patrycja Sleboda (PSY), as part of the sustainability and climate cluster.
Zicklin School of Business
Undergraduate Courses
FIN 4093 Special Topics in Finance – ESG Investing
Law 3122 Environmental Law
Law 3400 Law, Business, and Sustainability
RES 4093 Special Topics – ESG and Sustainability in Real Estate
Graduate Courses
ACC 9993 Special Topics in Accountancy – Sustainability Reporting and Measurement
BUS 9701 Sustainability and ESG
CIS 9240 Sustainability and IT
FIN 9893 Special Topics in Investments – ESG Investing and Analysis
MGT 9355 Leading Organizational Change for Environmental Sustainability
RES 9901 Special Topics – Sustainable Development
Interdisciplinary Minor in Environmental Sustainability
The Department of Natural Sciences, the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, and the Zicklin School of Business offer a joint interdisciplinary program in environmental sustainability. This minor is suitable for both business and liberal arts students who have an interest in developing a critical understanding of interactions between human society and the broader global ecosystem. The program emphasizes economic, legal, and philosophical issues of environmental sustainability.
The prerequisite to this minor is completion of one of the following options: 1) ENV 1003L and ENV 1004; or 2) BIO 1015 and BIO 1016; or 3) BIO 3001; or 4) Departmental Permission.
To complete the minor in environmental sustainability, students must take: one course at the 3000-level or above in Environmental Studies (ENV); at least one course from among a list of 13 electives in the Natural Sciences; either an additional elective from the Natural Sciences’ list or one of 12 electives offered by other departments in Weissman and Zicklin (see above, p. 2); and a required capstone course (ENV 4005, ENV 4900, or IDC 4010/H).