Academic Integrity Cases for December 2020
January 20, 2021
From: Annie Virkus-Estrada, Academic Integrity Officer and Associate Dean of Students
Faculty are obligated to report any suspected violations of academic integrity policies, such as cheating and plagiarizing to the Office of the Dean of Students. Data is shared with the Baruch Community via the Office of the Dean of Students website about any administrative sanctions imposed (e.g., warnings or suspensions), and, when known, academic sanctions leveled by members of the faculty (e.g., F for the assignment or exam or F for the course). All information is anonymous.
Cases reported at the end of a month may not have been by the time reports are shared.
December 2020
181 students were reported to the Office of the Dean of Students in the month of December. Of those:
- 114 were for cheating
- 24 were for plagiarism
- 42 were for obtaining an unfair advantage
- 01 were for falsifying documentation
Findings in December
- 73 were found “Responsible”
- 03 were found “Not Responsible”
- 17 allegations were withdrawn
Note: Cases reported at the end of November were adjudicated in December. The numbers reported here include cases reported in both November and December. Of all the cases submitted in December, 141 were reported after December 12, the last day of classes. Those reports accounted for 78% of the cases submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students in December (141/181).
Administrative Sanctions
Of the 73 students found responsible in November:
- 68 received a Warning
- 05 received Probation
Academic Sanctions
The most common academic sanctions unofficially reported to the Office of Dean of Students included failure on exam/assignment and failure in the class. (Note: unless the faculty member formally notifies the Office of the Dean of Students, we don’t know if any academic sanctions have been assigned to students who were found to be responsible.)
Fall 2020
In Fall 2019, 62 academic integrity cases were reported to the Office of the Dean of Students. In contrast, Fall 2020 saw 377 cases reported—an increase by more than 600%.
Annie Virkus-Estrada, PhD
Academic Integrity Officer
Associate Dean of Students