Baruch Climate Scholars – Announcing Applications for our Second Cohort
March 15, 2021
From: Baruch Climate Change Faculty
Dear Baruch Colleagues,
We would like your help in announcing a scholarship opportunity for your students.
The Baruch Climate Scholars Program, funded by the CUNY Office of Workforce Development, is currently recruiting twelve (12) Baruch undergraduate students of junior or senior status for participation in the second year of the program. The Climate Scholars will explore a wide range of cross-disciplinary climate issues including mitigation, impacts, and resiliency within the contexts of the natural sciences, psychology, business, economics, public policy, migration, and communication.
The Baruch Climate Scholars program will begin May 10, 2021 and end March 30, 2022. Each Climate Scholar will earn a stipend or internship course credit for participation.
Climate Scholars will: 1) participate in weekly seminars led by faculty and guest speakers; 2) engage in cross-disciplinary climate research; 3) participate in a two-month NGO or corporate climate change internship; 4) present their research at Baruch Creative Inquiry Day; and 5) share climate change issues as a team of Scholars in large presentations and in small group settings with middle and high school students in the Baruch STEP (Science and Technology Entry Program) Academy, and with Baruch First-Year Seminar students.
Send completed application to:
Application Deadline: Friday, April 16, 2021, 5pm.
Thank you for your sharing this opportunity with your students.
All the best,
Baruch Climate Change Faculty
Professor Mindy Engle-Friedman
Professor Chester Zarnoch
Professor Steve Young
Professor Christopher Hallowell
Professor Cynthia Thompson
Professor Ivan Montiel
Professor Deborah Balk
Professor Bryan Jones
Professor J. Stephen Gosnell