Call for Participation: Baruch Community Planning Committee
April 7, 2022
Dear Baruch Community:
In his March blog, President S. David Wu kicked off our institutional strategic planning process and shared themes that are beginning to emerge from an initial survey of the Baruch community related to differentiation, aspiration, challenges, and priorities. He identifies four priority areas from the initial informal survey:
- Center on Our Mission and Student Success,
- Strengthen the Academic Core to Meet Societal Needs,
- Re-envision the Future of Work and Learning, and
- Fortify Resources and Enhance Infrastructure.
These priority areas “serve as a straw poll to stimulate additional thoughts from our community.”
President Wu goes on to explain that during the current semester, we will formulate a Baruch Community Planning Committee. It is now time to begin that process. We are soliciting interest from faculty, staff, students, alumni, and members of the extended Baruch community to serve on this important committee. The planning committee will begin work this spring reviewing existing data, engaging in initial listening sessions, and generally readying themselves and the campus for the engagement work to come in the fall semester. That work will be supported by a planning consultant whom we plan to engage before the end of May. There will be many avenues of participation; if you filled out President Wu’s survey, you have started participating already and we hope you will continue to do so.
Members of the planning committee should understand that there will be a time commitment involved starting in May and lasting throughout the 2022–23 planning year. They may be asked to review data, lead meetings or focus groups, chair a subcommittee, and draft, revise, and finalize the strategic plan and implementation plan.
With this commitment in mind, please indicate your interest in serving on the planning committee by completing this form. The initial planning team will review the indications of interest and the planning committee will be constituted in the coming weeks. There is also a place on the form for you to nominate your colleagues who you believe may serve this role well.
The strategic planning process will only succeed if we fully participate, and the planning committee is one of many different ways to participate. If you are willing and able to engage in this way, please indicate your interest in doing so. Thank you all for your participation in this important process at whatever level of engagement is best for you as a member of our community.
Dr. Linda Essig
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Strategic Planning Committee Chair