Faculty Senate Plenary Thursday, Dec 3, 12.30-2.30pm
December 1, 2020
From: Prof. Richard Wilkins (Communication Studies), Faculty Senate Secretary
The next Faculty Senate Plenary is scheduled for Thursday, December 3, 2020, 12.30-2.30. We will convene via Zoom under the meeting ID:
Join Zoom Meeting
Password: Senate
When you join the meeting please follow these directions:
- We ask participants to keep their microphones muted upon entry.
- Open your Participants page and select the blue hand if and when you have a question or comment.
- The senate secretary will call upon participants in the order that hands were raised
- When called upon, please unmute yourself and mute yourself again when finished speaking.
- Please keep in mind that we’re all experimenting with this new medium for our meeting. We therefore ask
for your patience and consideration with us and all other participants.
The agenda can be found shortly on the Senate’s website: http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/facultysenate/
Richard Wilkins
Faculty Senate Secretary
Associate Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies, B8-235
Baruch College
55 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10010
Tel.: 646-312-3720
E-mail: richard.wilkins@baruch.cuny.edu