Faculty Senate Plenary Thursday, December 5, NVC 14-250, 12:30-2:30
December 2, 2019
From: Prof. Richard Wilkins, Communication Studies, Faculty Senate Secretary
The next Faculty Senate Plenary is scheduled for Thursday, December 5. We will meet in NVC 14-250 at 12:30-2:30pm.
Agenda to be announced shortly on the Senate’s website: http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/facultysenate/
Lunch is served!
Attendees: Please remember to sign in.
Richard Wilkins
Faculty Senate Secretary
Associate Professor
Dept. of Communication Studies, B8-235
Baruch College
55 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10010
Tel.: 646-312-3720
E-mail: richard.wilkins@baruch.cuny.edu