Opportunity for Faculty: Application to Join a Learning Community for Career Connected Learning
December 3, 2020
From: Rachel Stephenson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations/ Chief of Staff to the Executive Vice Chancellor and University Provost
Dear Colleagues,
I am pleased to share an opportunity for faculty who are interested in supporting our students’ career development goals. We recognize that engaging faculty more deeply in this work will support stronger student outcomes.
Several faculty members who have participated in our work over the past three years helped to craft the attached concept paper that envisions a Faculty Engagement Learning Community that will conduct labor market research while supporting faculty as they develop strategies to better integrate classroom learning and career preparation at CUNY’s community and senior colleges.
The learning community will consist of two working groups that meet monthly and generate iterative products that reciprocally influence each other:
- A committee composed of faculty charged to identify ways to embed career success outcomes in existing coursework, as well as develop new courses that expose students to the ethnographies of work and other tools they can use in the job market
- A committee composed of faculty that will conduct dedicated research on the local and national labor market, present and future, with the goal of informing the work of the first committee and providing students with the information they need to select majors and/or courses that better prepare them for careers early in their CUNY undergraduate careers
Attached is an application with more information on this opportunity, including time commitment, stipend, and goals, as well as additional background information.
Upcoming milestones:
- The Office of Continuing Education & Workforce Development will be hosting an information session on this initiative on December 10, 2020, from 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Please RSVP to Dr. Anthony Maniscalco at maniscalco@cuny.edu by December 3, 2020.
- Faculty who are interested in participating in the Learning Community should submit their completed application by January 11, 2021, to Dr. Anthony Maniscalco at maniscalco@cuny.edu.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Dr. Anthony Maniscalco at anthony.maniscalco@cuny.edu.
Rachel Stephenson
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Strategy and Operations
Chief of Staff to the Executive Vice Chancellor and University Provost
Concept Paper – Faculty Engagement-final
Application for CUNY Career Success Faculty Fellows-final
CUNY Career Success – Current State -final