Provost’s Newsletter: News and Updates from the Division of Academic Affairs for September 18, 2024
September 18, 2024
Dear Baruch College Community:
I open this week’s newsletter with the thrilling news that Baruch College has received a $2.8 million grant to support undergraduate student success through peer mentoring and faculty development. Over the next five years, the College will be able to revise its First Year Seminar and scale its peer mentoring infrastructure to make peer mentorship available to all first-year and new transfer students. We will also be working with faculty in gateway courses in the business prerequisite core to mitigate equity gaps that are challenging student retention after the second year. Finally, we will engage with our community college partners to help students there be better prepared for successful transfer and completion of their Baruch College degrees. Associate Provost Kathleen Gray will be leading this project. The peer mentoring portion of the project will be led by Robert Kunicki, Director of New Student & Family Programs, and the faculty-facing development activities will be led by a faculty member from the Zicklin School of Business. You will be hearing much more about this exciting project as it develops and is implemented over the next five years.
This issue of the newsletter includes a lot of faculty development opportunities—for mentorship, statement writing, Brightspace tips, and more. Staff as well as faculty will be interested in the first Coffee Chat/Tea Talk of the year on Wednesday, Sept 25. Please scroll down for details. Please note that the Provost’s Newsletter only lists events sponsored by the Office of the Provost. Other events of interest to the Academic Affairs community are listed in the Academic Affairs Events Newsletter sent out each Thursday by the Associate Provost team. To list your events there, click here.
Best wishes,
Linda Essig
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Campus Updates
First Coffee Chat/Tea Talk of the Year on Wednesday, Sept. 25
All are welcome to stop in for coffee, tea, and conversation at our first Coffee Chat/Tea Talk of the year in celebration of Latinx Heritage Month, hosted by Associate Provost Raquel Fich. The event will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 9:30 to 10:30 am in the Information and Technology Building, Seventh Floor, Room 761.
Keyword Search Functionality Added to the Faculty Profile Pages
Baruch College’s Faculty Profile Pages now include an enhanced search functionality that allows searching for faculty by topic. Using keyword matches on faculty publications (Research and Creative Activity titles) or in their Areas of Expertise field, the new search feature produces a list of faculty experts. With this enhancement, Faculty Profile Pages can now be searched by name or by keyword. To search by keyword, select Expertise/Keywords at the top of the search box and enter any single word or phrase without quotes (e.g., polarization, artificial intelligence). The program will return a list of faculty members with highlighted keywords in their publication titles or expertise, sorted by relevance. For questions, comments, or feedback about this new feature, please contact Associate Provost Raquel Fich.
Faculty Affairs
Applications Now Open: The Dialogic Classroom Workshop
As part of our yearlong series of programming related to respectful dialogue and civil discourse, Baruch Connects, the Office of the Provost has again engaged Essential Partners to lead a two-day workshop on “The Dialogic Classroom.” Last spring, 24 faculty members completed the training and gave the program high marks. The training will support instructors in creating a more open, connected, and conversational culture within the classroom and provide real tools for managing classroom conflict. The workshop will be held on Thursday, Jan. 23 and Friday, Jan. 24. Faculty must attend the full two-day workshop to receive a $500 stipend. Space is limited, so please apply by Friday, Nov. 1 at 5 pm.
Applications Now Open: NCFDD Faculty Success Program
This year, there are two spots available for the Spring 2025 NCFDD Faculty Success Program (FSP). FSP is a 10-week virtual program that includes weekly small group meetings led by a seasoned faculty coach, additional self-led online modules, and access to support platforms and a peer community. The online application is now open. All Assistant Professors on tenure track are encouraged to apply. The College has several faculty members who have gone through the FSP and have shared its positive impact on their careers. Click here for more information. Please submit an application by Wednesday, Oct. 30.
Baruch Faculty Mentoring Network Mentee Applications Open Friday, Oct. 4
The College-wide Faculty Mentoring Network now has a roster of 20 faculty mentors from across the College who will be supporting other faculty. Thank you to all of our new mentors! Those interested in being mentored will be able to apply through our SharePoint site beginning Friday, Oct. 4. Assignments to a mentor will be on a first-come, first-served basis. The application will remain open until all spots are filled or to Thursday, Oct. 31. Since this is the pilot year of our mentorship program with limited space, mentee applications will be open to Baruch faculty in these categories only:
- Full-time faculty (both lecturers and tenure track) who were hired in AY 2023–24 or AY 2024–25
- Faculty who participated in our mentoring focus groups conducted in Spring 2024
- Associate Professors who have been at rank for five years or more
If you fall into one of these categories and are interested in mentorship, please reach out to Norene Leddy, Director of Faculty Affairs, for more information prior to the opening of the mentorship portal. Additionally, if you’d like to learn more about the Baruch Faculty Mentoring Network in general, please contact Norene Leddy and Dr. David Jones, Senior Mentor and Professor of Political Science.
Faculty Statement Writing Workshop: Tenure-Track Faculty Applying for Tenure/Promotion
All tenure-track faculty are invited to join Dr. Rainer Hamilton, Director of the Writing Center, for a statement writing workshop on Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 1 to 2:30 pm in the Information and Technology Building, Seventh Floor, Room 763. The workshop will look at models of successful tenure/promotion statements, and there will be an opportunity for peer review and feedback. Faculty are encouraged to bring their laptops and draft versions of their statements. Faculty can RSVP here. For more information, please contact Norene Leddy, Director of Faculty Affairs.
Faculty Statement Writing Workshop: Lecturers Applying for CCE
All Lecturers applying for CCE status are invited to join Dr. Rainer Hamilton, Director of the Writing Center, for a statement writing workshop on Tuesday, Oct. 1 from 1 to 2:30 pm in the Newman Vertical Campus (NVC), 14th Floor, Room 14-266. The workshop will introduce strategies for developing and revising a teaching statement, share sample statements, and invite peer feedback on drafts. Faculty are encouraged to bring their laptops and draft versions of their statements. Faculty can RSVP here. For more information, please contact Norene Leddy, Director of Faculty Affairs.
Student Success
Virtual Undergraduate Job & Internship Fair on Friday, Sept. 27
One of Baruch’s strategic priorities is to increase access to excellence and empower all students to succeed. Please remind your students, whether in the classroom or elsewhere, that the Undergraduate Job & Internship Fair will be held virtually on Friday, Sept. 27 from 12 noon to 4 pm via Handshake. This event is open to all undergraduate students interested in obtaining an internship or entry-level position in a wide array of fields.
Teaching and Learning
Getting to Know Brightspace: Granting Extra Time and Special Access for Quizzes and Assignments
Brightspace’s Special Access feature allows you to modify quiz and assignment settings for individual students without affecting the entire class. Whether a student needs extra time, a different due date, or multiple submission attempts, this can be achieved in Brightspace. To grant special access, first locate the quiz or assignment in your course, then edit the activity. For quizzes, click the down arrow next to the quiz and select “Edit,” and for assignments, click the down arrow next to the assignment and select “Edit Assignment.” Click to expand the Availability Dates and Condition section and select Manage Special Access. Choose Allow Selected Users Special Access to this quiz/assignment. To add special access users, click Add Users to Special Access. You can adjust such settings as due dates, time limits, or number of attempts for specific students. Finally, save your changes.
You can also adjust the time limit on a quiz for all students. To do so, go to the Quizzes section of your course and locate the quiz you want to adjust. Choose “Edit” to access quiz settings and click to expand the Timing & Display section. From there, you can adjust the time limit. For more information, instructors can review these helpful articles on Special Access for Assignments and Set Availability Dates and Conditions for Quizzes. For any questions, please reach out to Brightspace Support 24/7 by clicking the blue-and-white dialogue box in the bottom right corner of any Brightspace webpage or via phone at 1-888-895-2511.
New Brightspace Office Hours Begin This Week
Beginning this week, Baruch’s Brightspace team will hold office hours on Tuesdays from 1 to 2 pm in the Information and Technology Building, Sixth Floor, Room 655 and on Fridays from 1 to 2 pm via Zoom. These weekly hours will be held through December.
Faculty Webinar Series for Online Instruction
This fall, CUNY will be holding webinars focusing on different areas of practice involving online instruction. This series will provide insights, strategies, and practical tools to help faculty create a more engaging and interactive learning environment in their online courses. The first webinar, focusing on engaging students in an online setting, will be held on Thursday, Sept. 26 at 3 pm via Zoom. Click here to register.
Pivot-RP Training for CUNY Grant Seekers
Pivot-RP is an online tool that helps users connect with global and local research opportunities. This training is suitable for those seeking a Pivot-RP refresher as well as new faculty interested in learning about Pivot-RP. Access, Researcher Profiles, and Funding Database Navigation will be reviewed. This event will be held virtually on Wednesday, Oct. 2 from 12 noon to 1 pm. Click here to register.
Pilot Study Guidance Webpage Launched
Many disciplines use pilot studies prior to collecting data for a full-scale research project. While data from a pilot study can be useful, it is important to understand whether your pilot study is considered research and requires IRB review and approval before starting data collection. To assist researchers and administrators with determining whether a pilot study involving human subjects is research that requires HRPP/IRB Review, the Office of Research Compliance and Outreach has created a page on their website. Click here to view the page.
Policy on Extracting or Obtaining Data from Educational Records
If you are extracting educational data (coursework, student exams, essays, etc.) or seeking to obtain administrative CUNY educational records (grades, transcripts, academic records, etc.) for research purposes, you must adhere to CUNY’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Policy. Click here to read the policy.
Faculty Achievements
Dr. Angie Beeman, Professor, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, has had her article “University Policies Have Not Kept Up with ‘Everyday Racism,’” published by University World News.
Dr. Cristina Balboa, Associate Professor, Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, along with her research colleagues, has received a 2024 RGK-ARNOVA President’s Award presented by ARNOVA for her participation in a research collaborative entitled “A Decolonized Research Approach to Understanding Civil Society’s Fourth Era.” Congratulations on this prestigious award!
Do you want to share something you published, exhibited, performed, or presented with the Baruch community? Submit your information here.
Assessment, Accreditation, Institutional Effectiveness
Dr. Peter Gregory Appointed Weissman Faculty Assessment Coordinator
The Office of Assessment, Accreditation, and Institutional Effectiveness (IE) welcomes Weissman’s new Faculty Assessment Coordinator, Dr. Peter Gregory. Dr. Gregory is an Associate Professor of Mathematics and has served the College for over 20 years. He is the recipient of notable awards, most recently a 2024 Strategic Innovation Fellowship in CUNY’s Office of K16 Initiatives. As the Faculty Assessment Coordinator for the Weissman School, Dr. Gregory will be responsible for collaborating with IE and senior leadership as he oversees Weissman’s assessment efforts and will chair the Weissman School Assessment Council. We look forward to this partnership as we prepare for our Middle States Commission on Higher Education re-accreditation self-study.
Focus On Funding
Call for Proposals: Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering
The CUNY Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering (JFRASE) aims to identify and advance the careers of untenured faculty in STEM fields. The JFRASE will provide financial support to enable awardees to devote concerted attention to developing research projects that have significant scientific, economic, and societal impact. This year, the JFRASE has been restructured to build on the success of the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Bootcamp series offered by the Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC). The 2024–25 round of the JFRASE competition will support five to seven early career faculty with a course release, one month of summer salary, and discretionary funds. This award package requires full participation in the 2025 ASRC NSF CAREER Bootcamp. Click here for more details and click here to submit an application. The deadline for submissions to CUNY is Wednesday, Sept. 25. Applications require the Provost’s signature. The deadline to submit the application for signature is Monday, Sept. 23, 9 am.
Call for Applications: Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University Fellowship Program
The Harvard Radcliffe Fellowship offers academic scholars from across the country and around the world a unique chance to pursue their projects in an interdisciplinary and creative community. Some of the many benefits that fellows receive include a private office, a stipend, and access to Harvard University’s vast resources to support their efforts to develop new tools and methods and challenge artistic and scholarly conventions. Click here for more information. Click here to submit an application. Applications for the humanities, social sciences, and creative arts have closed, but applications in science, engineering, and mathematics may be submitted through Thursday, Oct. 3.
DEI Fridays: Spirituality, Mental Health, and Well-Being on Friday, Sept. 27
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusions (DEI) Fridays series, coordinated by Professor Eric Essono Tsimi, welcomes guest speaker Dr. Bruno Paz Mosqueiro. He will explore the association between religiosity and health as well as empirical studies of spiritual experiences and their implications on the mind-brain problem. This event will be held on Friday, Sept. 27 from 2 to 3:30 pm via Zoom. Click here to register.
Adjunct Community Space in Brightspace
The Adjunct Community Space is updated regularly to provide resources and announce events, trainings, and other critical information for adjunct faculty—please be sure to turn on notifications. If you are an adjunct faculty member and you do not see the Adjunct Community Space in your list of Brightspace courses, please contact Adjunct Services to be added as soon as possible.
Faculty Affairs Open Office Hours for Adjunct Faculty on Friday, Sept. 20
Norene Leddy, Director of Faculty Affairs, hosts biweekly open office hours for adjunct faculty. These open office hours are optional and provide an opportunity for adjunct faculty to meet with Ms. Leddy and discuss any questions or concerns they may have. On Friday, Sept. 20, Ms. Leddy will host a special session featuring Rachel Rys, Associate Director of Baruch’s Writing Center. Dr. Rys will give a brief overview of the Writing Center and its resources for faculty and discuss strategies for responding to student writing. The event will be held from 2 to 3 pm via Zoom. Adjunct faculty must register in advance. Upon registering, faculty will receive a confirmation email with a recurring Zoom link that may be used to attend any of the future sessions for the Fall 2024 semester. If you are interested in attending but are unable to make the scheduled time, please contact Norene Leddy.
Stay Connected
Share Your Research and Creative Activity
Keep the College up to date with your research and creative activity by emailing with the what, where, and when of your publication, presentation, exhibition, award, and so on.
President Wu’s Blog
Join the conversation at President Wu’s blog. Read and comment here.
Newsletter Items?
If you have an item you would like considered for inclusion in the biweekly Provost’s Newsletter, please click here to send an email to the Provost mailbox. If you have an event for the Academic Affairs Events Calendar, published each Thursday during the academic semester, click here.