Zotero 2 Workshop – Thursday, December 3, 12:30-1:30 PM
December 2, 2020
From: Prof. Joseph Hartnett (Library)
The Zotero 2 workshop will show you how to maximize Zotero’s capacity and streamline the research and writing process with the help of Zotfile, Dropbox, PDF editor, and Zotero Bookmarklet software.
In this workshop you will learn to:
- Read, highlight and annotate Zotero PDFs on your tablet and desktop computers, and sync them so that your work in progress is always accessible in Zotero.
- Automatically extract highlights and notes from your Zotero PDFs into an attached Zotero note document containing clear labels for each passage and note you made. This feature is useful in the research and writing process as it allows you to isolate only your highlights and notes and display them directly beside each other in a way that makes them both easy to identify and easy to keep separate. The document also contains links back to the original.
- Capture items into your Zotero library from mobile devices (like your phone and tablet).
- Set your Zotero account to store a virtually unlimited number of PDFs by linking attachments to your free CUNY Dropbox account (15 Gigs) or other cloud storage option.
This workshop is open to all students and faculty at Baruch and CUNY SPS who have previously completed the Zotero 1 Workshop and have the *prerequisite software installed (see here for list). For more information, contact Prof. Joseph Hartnett.
Prof. Joseph Hartnett