This page last updated on: October 14, 2022
Orders are placed with the Baruch College bookstore. Kindly provide adequate time to process your request, at least 4 weeks in advance. Best practice is to submit your book order to us on or around the cunyfirst deadline.The best way to place your order is through . You can also place your order: in store, call it in at 646-312-4854, or submit it via email to Natalie Veriguete at When placing your order please provide your contact information, department, course number, and section. For the book information provide: Title, Author, Edition, Publisher and ISBN.
If you need desk copies here are some publishers’ numbers that may come in handy:
Cengage: 1-800-354-9706 ph; 1-800-487-8488 fax
Pearson: 1-800-922-0579 ph; 1-800-445-6991 fax
McGraw-Hill Companies: 1-800-338-3987 ph; 1-800-953-8691 fax
Wiley: 1-800-225-5945 ph; 1-800-597-3299 fax
Penguin Random House: 1-800-733-3000 ph; 1-800-659-2436 fax
MPS: 1-888-330-8477 ph; 1-800-672-2054 fax
To be HEOA compliant please update your information on the CunyFirst website: