Reappointment, Tenure, CCE, and Promotion
Reappointment, tenure, Certificate of Continuous Employment (CCE), and promotion actions are governed by the City University of New York (CUNY) bylaws, the PSC/CUNY collective bargaining agreement and University and College policies. Reappointment, tenure, CCE, and promotion decisions are made on the basis of the candidate’s record of performance in teaching, scholarship (for full-time faculty in professorial titles) and service. The balance between these areas and, in particular, the numbers of publications, or for those in the studio or performing arts, the numbers of shows or performances, necessary for tenure and promotion is difficult to define given the differences between fields of study and types of scholarship. The College-wide Committee on Personnel and Budget (CP&B) is particularly interested in documentation of quality and excellence in all three areas of teaching, scholarship, and service.
Upon recommendation of the College and approval of the CUNY Board of Trustees (BOT), full-time faculty in professorial titles are granted tenure effective September 1 of the eighth continuous year of service. In the sixth year of a faculty member professorial appointment, he or she will begin the process of selecting external reviewers in preparation for appointment.
Baruch College also has a statement of criteria for tenure and promotion in the 2024 document titled “College P&B Guidelines,” which elaborates expectations in all three areas of research, teaching, and service.
The overall expectation is that the College “appoint, tenure, and promote individuals who will be intellectually independent and capable of fulfilling leadership roles in their fields and in the College.”
The candidacy of lecturers for the Certificate of Continuous Employment is based on the performance of their position responsibilities in the areas of teaching and, to a lesser degree, of service.
Lecturers are granted Certificate of Continuous Employment effective September 1 of their sixth continuous year of service and College Laboratory Technicians are granted tenure effective September 1 of their sixth continuous year of service.
All College P&B recommendations are forwarded to the President for final disposition.