Children on Campus
This page last updated on: July 30, 2017
The Baruch College Faculty Handbook
Last updated on 12/23/2014
Regarding Children on Campus (Policy and Procedures)
In the Fall of 1999, the College established a policy regarding the
issue of employees bringing children on campus. I take this opportunity
to remind you of that policy, clarify it, and appreciate your continued
cooperation in observing it. For the purposes of this policy, a
“child” is defined as a person below the age of 18 years old.
Baruch College has an obligation to its students, employees, and
visitors to conduct its operations and maintain its facilities in a
manner consistent with its mission as an institution of higher
In general, employees are prohibited from bringing children on campus
except as permitted by this policy to ensure that employees, students
and visitors are not exposed to harm or risks to their health, safety,
and welfare. Children in the workplace create potential liabilities for
the College, Departments, Offices, and managers themselves. Due to the
potential health risks to others, children with a communicable illness
cannot be brought to campus.
However, Baruch College, as an equal opportunity employer, is
committed to equal access to employment conditions regardless of an
individual’s status with respect to other family members or dependent
care. Moreover, the College is committed to promoting an equitable
culture that is supportive of the needs and career aspirations of
employees and creating “Family friendly” work strategies to assist staff
trying to balance the various demands of work and family
The College acknowledges that despite the range of childcare options
available, there may be emergencies and unavoidable rare instances where
family responsibility conflicts with work commitments and where all
reasonable attempts to make alternative arrangements have been
- Consider all the options first. The college provides different types of leave to cover a variety of situations, Supervisors should, after carefully
considering the needs of the Department, be as accommodating as possible
in granting or advancing leave to the employee as an alternative in
such instances.
- Consider all the options first. The college provides different types of leave to cover a variety of situations, Supervisors should, after carefully
- Employees should contact their immediate manager/supervisor (preferably in advance or as soon as possible) to discuss their
situation and to seek permission to have the child accompany the
employee to the workplace regardless of the destination of the employee
and child on campus.
- Employees should contact their immediate manager/supervisor (preferably in advance or as soon as possible) to discuss their
- Employees must receive approval from their immediate manager or supervisor regardless of their destination and only after that manager or supervisor has secured permission from the manger or supervisor of the intended destination.
- Child may visit College offices and facilities that are not hazardous. They may not visit laboratories and areas that are intrinsically hazardous.
- Children may not be brought into classrooms.
- Employees must ensure that other users of these facilities are not inconvenienced by the dependent’s presence.
- Children brought into the College must be under the direct supervision of the accompanying employee at all times they are present on College premises. Supervision should not be delegated to another individual.
- Employees must be aware that the ultimate responsibility for the behavior and safety of their children rests with them.
- Employees must sign their children in and out at public safety/security desks as any other visitor, clearly
indicating their destination and contact number at that location. On
the rare occasion of these visits, children will be subject to the same
conditions as any other ‘visitor’ to the College.
- Employees must sign their children in and out at public safety/security desks as any other visitor, clearly
- Public Safety/Security should have been provided with a copy of approval form signed by the employee’s Manager/Supervisor before the employee and child
arrives. The form can be faxed to Public Safety at (646)660-6001.
Employees should retain the original of this form.
- Public Safety/Security should have been provided with a copy of approval form signed by the employee’s Manager/Supervisor before the employee and child
- If at any time, an employees and their child are directed to vacate the College premises by their manager/supervisor or a member of Public
Safety/Security, for any reason, the employee and child are to comply immediately.
- If at any time, an employees and their child are directed to vacate the College premises by their manager/supervisor or a member of Public
- While each employee and child is responsible for abiding by workplace rules, regulations, policies, and guidelines, managers and supervisors are responsible for oversight and compliance. As a courtesy, a copy of this policy should be conspicuously posted as well as distributed to the members of your department.