Joint Committee on Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching
This page last updated on: July 30, 2017
The Baruch College Faculty Handbook
Last updated on September 18, 2013
Article VII, Section 4 of the Bylaws of the General Faculty reads as follows:
Section 4 – Joint Committee on Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching
This Committee shall have responsibility for developing, reviewing and assisting in the conduct of the College program of systematic student evaluation of courses and teaching in accordance with the policies and regulations of the Board of Trustees. This Committee shall consist of fourteen voting members: a) three faculty members selected by the Faculty Senate; b) four undergraduate students elected by the respective student governments; c) two graduate students elected by the Graduate Student Assembly; d) the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee; e) the full Deans of the several Schools or designees; and f) the Vice President for Student Development/Dean of Students or designee.
The Committee shall elect its own chair from among its members. The Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs shall coordinate the meetings. The Committee shall submit a written report to the General Faculty at least once a year.
The Committee shall evaluate the validity and reliability of the student evaluation document and its uses. It shall report its findings in detail to the General Faculty at least once every five years.
Members Fall 2013
Edward Adams (non-voting)
Micheline Blum-SPA
Axelle Bougouma-UG
John Choonoo (non-voting)
Chrystle Greene-GS
Gary Hentzi-WSAS Dean’s Rep
Jerry Mitchell-SPA Dean’s Rep
Prerak Paul-UG
Denyse Ramkaran-Testing Office (non-voting)
Samyuktha Shivraj-UG
Dennis Slavin-Provost’s Rep., Chair
Annie Sourbis-UG
Lawrence Tatum-ZSB
Patrica Vendikos-GS
Ashok Vora-ZSB (non-voting)
Stanley Wine-ZSB
Phyllis Zadra-ZSB Dean’s Rep
For the committee’s proposed changes (as of January 2013) to Baruch College’s current evaluation instrument and procedures, as well as related documents, please visit:
Meetings for Spring 2013
January 14, 2:00 PM, NVC 8-210
April 23, 3:00 PM, NVC 8-210
Meetings for Fall 2012
October 5, 10:00 AM, NVC 8-213
PowerPoint presentation by Prerak Paul: Student Evaluation Survey Findings
Meetings for Fall 2011
September 22, 10:30 AM, NVC 8-210
October 12, 10:30 AM, NVC 8-210
presentation by Jerry Mirotznik, Associate Provost for Faculty and Administration, Brooklyn College. For a copy of the accompanying handout, click here.
October 19, 10:30 AM, NVC 8-210
Meetings for Spring 2011
March 8, 4:15 PM, NVC 8-210
The committee was divided into 3 subcommittees which met in April 2011.
Student Evaluation Survey Timeline
- the survey is administered December 2011-January 2012.
- qualitative data is analyzed between June and August 2012.
- the survey is readministered to the student population through the registrar’s office October 17-29, 2012.