Retirement and Resignation
This page last updated on: September 26, 2017
Full-time personnel who plan to retire should consult the Office of Human Resources for information about procedures and retirement benefits. In addition to effecting retirement through OHR, faculty should notify in writing their Department Chair and Dean of their intention to retire and the probable effective date. Normally, faculty are placed on Travia Leave for a period of up to one semester before their official retirement date. OHR will assist faculty in determining the period of Travia Leave and the anticipated official retirement date.
Full Professors with 10 years of service shall be automatically conferred the title of Professor Emeritus. All other retiring faculty holding professorial titles may also be designated as “emeritus/emerita,” regardless of the period of service, if the President agrees with the affirmative recommendation of the departmental Executive Committee and the College Personnel and Budget Committee.
Faculty who wish to resign must submit a written statement of their intent to resign to the Department Chair. This written statement must announce a date on which the resignation will become effective. That date is, at latest, one day before fall classes start (for resignations at the end of the academic year) or, at latest, one day before spring classes start (for spring resignations).