Transforming Teaching into Learning: CUNY CUE (Coordinated Undergraduate Education) Conference
January 28, 2019
Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Message Archive
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
This email is being sent to all members of the Baruch College faculty.
For an archive of announcements sent from the Associate Provost beginning June 2011, click here.
From: Allison Lehr Samuels, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning
All faculty and staff are invited to participate in the CTL’s programs. In addition to the programming below, part-time and full-time faculty are invited to set up a one-on-one consultation with the CTL staff to discuss topics such as: Assignments
- Classroom management/policies
- Experimenting with technology
- Fostering classroom discussion
- Active learning techniques
- Low-cost/free course materials
- Creating interdisciplinary activities
Click here to learn more about the CTL and email to set up a consultation.
Here’s what’s happening at the Center for Teaching and Learning…
CTL Conversations: “Faculty Welcome Back Social”
Thursday, 1/31 from 3-5pm in NVC 14-269
All faculty are welcome, whether you are new or returning, full or part-time. This is an informal time to bring questions, concerns and ideas and meet your colleagues and the CTL staff. Coffee and cookies will be served. No RSVP required, just stop in and stay however long you can!
CTL News: “First Day of Teaching Tips”
Click here to learn specific actions you can take to start the semester off in a way that is welcoming to students and also jump starts the process of learning the course topic.
Allison Lehr Samuels
Director, Baruch Center for Teaching and Learning
Lecturer, Narendra Paul Loomba Department of Management
Field Mentor, Lawrence N. Field Programs in Entrepreneurship
Baruch College, The City University of New York