Greek Life Moratorium Extended
January 14, 2015
Members of the Baruch Community,
I would like to take the opportunity to provide you with an update on the status of the moratorium currently in place for all social Greek membership intake processes at Baruch College.
During the fall semester Dean of Students Art King and college officials from the Office of Student Life conducted an extensive review of Greek life related processes and protocols. During the course of this review, the team met with members of Greek organizations and the Undergraduate Student Government, interviewed personnel from Greek systems within CUNY and other urban institutions, and presented a report to the college senior administration.
The report suggests that to have well-functioning social Greek organizations—sharing our College’s objectives, values, and aspirations—appropriate resources and structures must be in place to monitor the activities of these organizations. Among the report’s recommendations is the need to implement a “Standards of Excellence” process for all Greek organizations that include greater accountability of Greek organization members’ academic achievements, closer monitoring of pledging processes and behavior, assessment of each organization’s community service, updated insurance policies that appropriately cover Greek organizations, and greater engagement and open communication between the advisors of Greek organizations and their national affiliates.
To be effective in our efforts to ensure the health, safety, and positive social development of all students involved in Greek clubs on campus, and based on the recommendations of Dean King and his team, I am extending the moratorium on all pledging and intake processes for Baruch social Greek organizations until July 1, 2015. During this additional time period, I will assess whether the appropriate guidelines and structures are in place or can be put in place for the continuance of social Greek organizations on our campus. As noted previously, no pledging or membership intake will be allowed during this period. Failure to comply with the moratorium will result in immediate disciplinary action or suspension.
Please contact AVP/Dean King for further information at Dean King plans to conduct focus groups in early Spring 2015 to further explore the future of Greek life at Baruch College.
David Christy
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs