September 15, 2020
Introducing Quiet Study Spaces
Dear Students,
I am happy to announce the opening of quiet study space on campus for Baruch students in response to student requests. We will grant access by appointment only starting tomorrow, Wednesday, September 16. Initially, we will open the Multipurpose Room (Room 1-107) and the Cafeteria (Room 1-173) in the Newman Vertical Campus.
Reserve a Seat in a Designated Quiet Study Room
· To gain access, reserve a seat in one of the designated quiet study rooms up to 48 hours in advance and select a date and time.
· Seats are available Monday through Friday in two shifts: 8 am–noon and 2 pm–6 pm. You may register for one 4-hour time slot per day.
· When you select the room and time slot, you will receive an email confirming the reservation as well as a link to Everbridge, a health screening application called Symptom Checker.
Complete Everbridge Symptom Checker the Day of Your Visit
· You must download Everbridge and complete the Symptom Checker questionnaire on the day of your visit. You will receive either a green token, indicating you are cleared for access, or a red token, indicating you are denied access.
Using the Space
· On the day of your visit, present the following to Public Safety:
o Confirmation email of the appointment for appropriate date and time
o Valid Baruch ID card
o Green token from Symptom Checker
· We have set up the room with individual workstations—a table and chair—using appropriate social distancing. In order to maintain social distancing between workstations, you may not move the tables and chairs.
· We will not provide computers; you must bring your own device.
· No printers will be available.
· All students using the space must follow CUNY Student Conduct rules requiring the wearing of a mask or face covering and complying with social distancing requirements.
· No food or drink will be permitted in the study spaces. Students may eat or drink outside of the building and then return to the space.
· Each day at noon, the rooms will be vacated and remain closed for two hours to allow the cleaning staff to prepare the rooms for the afternoon shift. The rooms will be cleaned again at the close of the afternoon shift in preparation for the next day’s use.
We will monitor use of the space and demand for this option and assess the feasibility of expanding on-site presence in the future, but only when we can do so in a healthy and safe manner.
I wish you all a safe and productive Fall 2020 semester.
Katharine T. Cobb
Vice President for Administration and Finance