REMINDER: Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics
January 19, 2021
The Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics
From: Jim McCarthy, Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
It is my great pleasure to invite members of the Baruch College faculty to submit their work and that of their students for the Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics. The prizes are funded by a gift from alumnus Charles R. Dreifus (’66, MBA ’73) in honor of Abraham J. Briloff, Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Professor of Accountancy Emeritus. The official announcement for both faculty and student prizes appears below.
Abraham J. Briloff taught bookkeeping and stenography in high school beginning in the late 1930s, then moved on to teach accounting at Baruch College. By the late 1960s he had become a critic of unethical practice in the accounting profession. He remained affiliated with Baruch through the rest of his life. The Briloff Prize is an award in the spirit of Professor Briloff’s interest in normative ethics. The award committee invites essays in ethics with a special emphasis on normative concerns about practice. Those wishing to submit from book length materials are asked to select the chapter that best clarifies the normative arguments. All submitters are asked to submit a one paragraph abstract that summarizes the normative argument of the essay. The emphasis of the Briloff prizes is ethics in professional life; to wit, ethics in the broadest sense. Recent writings on current ethical issues in a wide range of formats—such as books, articles, essays, op-ed pieces, and websites—are eligible for the prizes, as are those written or recently published for traditional scholarly settings. All essays should be submitted in electronic format.
I hope that you will consider making a submission for the faculty prize and will encourage and work with your students to submit an essay for the student prize. Identifying good student essays that come your way and then working with those students to refine their efforts for eventual submission can be rewarding for both student and faculty members.
Renewed college-wide focus on ethics at Baruch began in spring 2003 with the faculty seminar “Ethics Across and Beyond the Curriculum.” Since then, the college has set aside one week each spring during which members of the faculty are encouraged to discuss ethical issues specific to their subjects/disciplines in their classrooms, and departments or programs invite outside speakers for public presentations. The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 19, 2021. We will announce the winners of the Briloff Prizes as part of Ethics Week 2021 (March 15-20).
Previous faculty and student winners are listed at
ABRAHAM J. BRILOFF PRIZES IN ETHICS for 2020 (awarded spring 2021)
The Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics are intended to stimulate scholarship in the field of ethics, with an emphasis on ethics in professional life. The prizes are funded by a gift from alumnus Charles R. Dreifus, (’66, MBA ’73) in honor of Abraham J. Briloff, Emmanuel Saxe Distinguished Professor of Accountancy Emeritus. The prizes are awarded annually to a faculty member who has written an important topical article, essay or book on ethics and to a student or students who have written an outstanding research paper or essay, also as it relates to current events.
Ethics in professional life is used in the broadest sense. Relevant topics include but are not limited to: ethical decision making for managers and professionals related to business enterprises, the ethical and social implications of investment policies, ethics in public policy, ethics in law and medicine, ethics in the academic world, the ethics of business and government relations, and corporate accountability.
THE FACULTY PRIZE: any faculty member may submit an article, essay, op-ed piece, website, or book chapter or excerpt, unpublished or recently published. Works must be topical and current; relevance is more important than length. THE FACULTY AWARD IS $1,500.
FOR THE STUDENT PRIZE: any currently enrolled Baruch College student may submit an original essay or research paper. Work that was done for a course may be submitted for this prize. Works must be topical and current; relevance is more important than length. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. THE STUDENT AWARD IS $500.
The prize winners are selected by a committee of faculty from the Zicklin School of Business, the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, and the Marxe School of Public and International Affairs. The deadline for submissions is Friday, February 19, 2021.
Submissions and questions should be addressed to the Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics Committee:
Via Email:
Subject: Ethics Competition