Sleep Hygiene Workshop
Monday, March 10, 1:00pm-2:00pm
NVC, 3rd Floor, Room 3-215
Be Your Best Slept Self! (Workshop title adapted from National Sleep Foundation)
This workshop is designed to help you understand the importance of getting a good night’s rest, identify barriers to restful sleep, and implement practical strategies for quality rest. Whether you’re struggling with poor sleep quality or simply want to enhance your overall well-being, this workshop will provide you with the tools and knowledge to transform your sleep habits.
Presenter: The Office of Health and Wellness
Depression Screening Day
Tuesday, March 11, 12:15pm-2:30pm
Lobby of the Newman Vertical Campus (use the Plaza entrance to the NVC)
Please join us to get screened for depression and meet and chat with counselors from the Baruch College Counseling Center. We hope to see you there!
Students are able to get a better understanding of their mental health by completing a screening form that has markers for depression at our table.
Counselors will then briefly meet one-on-one with each student to provide feedback and help them connect to the Counseling Center at Baruch or to outside counseling as needed or desired.
Presenters: Baruch College Counseling Center Staff
Pet Therapy with Gallagher
Tuesday, March 11, 12:30pm-1:30pm
NVC, 2nd Floor, Bearcat Den
Come meet Gallagher and experience pet therapy. Pet Therapy can create enhanced self-esteem, improve relationships, create a more positive environment, and give a sense of purpose. We hope to see you there!
Presenters: Baruch Counseling Center Staff, Gallagher and his person
Embracing Body Positivity Inside and Out
Wednesday, March 12, 12:45pm-2:00pm
NVC, 3rd Floor, Room 3-215
Students, please join us for this fun and interactive workshop where we will engage in some activities together and learn some helpful information and techniques allowing us to embrace our beauty at any size. Refreshments will be served.
Presenters: Baruch Counseling Center Staff
Yoga for Stress Relief
Thursday, March 13, 12:00pm-1:00pm
NVC Multipurpose Room (1st Floor, Room 107)
Hatha yoga is an ancient branch of yoga that is adaptable for many levels through postures and breathing techniques designed to preserve the vital force energy. Class will conclude with yoga Nidra, a guided relaxation.
Presenter: Baruch Alumna Linda Colon
Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Workshop
Thursday, March 13, 1:00pm-2:00pm
NVC, 2nd Floor, Room 2-125
Stress is a natural part of life. However, in these difficult times, you may find that it is more difficult to manage stress. In this workshop, you will learn to identify stress and learn how to effectively manage it using mindfulness techniques and other coping strategies.
Presenters: Baruch Counseling Center Staff
Connect to Mental Health Resources at Baruch
Please click this link to the Baruch Counseling Center Website to start the process to make an appointment: Counseling Center – Student Affairs | Baruch College (
Please click this link to NYC 988 to connect to resources outside the Counseling Center: NYC 988 – Talk. Text. Chat. 24/7 (