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General Contact Information
Phone: 646-660-6500
Fax: 646-660-6501
Mailing Address:
Office of the Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Baruch College/CUNY
One Bernard Baruch Way
Box D-701
New York, NY 10010-5585
Walk-In Address:
Administrative Center
135 East 22nd Street, 7th Floor

Office of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Archive of Messages from the Associate Provost
Memorial Service for Don Watkins (Tuesday, December 27, in Levittown, NY) (12/27/16)
CUNY Fall 2016 Blackboard Maintenance Upgrade (12/16/16)
For your spring courses: add a Creative Inquiry Day project! (12/16/16)
Nominate Your Students' Writing for Publication (12/13/16)
Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics (12/13/16 - updated 2/15/17)
Funding opportunity and workshop series for CUNY Associate Professors (12/12/16)
May 5 CUE Conference Announcement and RFP (12/8/16)
Fall 2016 Grading Memorandum (December 14, 2016 - January 2, 2017) (12/8/16)
January workshops for online and hybrid instruction (12/8/16)
Enter the Mishkin juried show SMALL WORKS BARUCH 2017 (12/7/16)
CTL News - Week of December 5th (12/6/16)
Important changes in e-Permit at CUNY (12/5/16)
Multiple Position Reports (11/29/16)
Final Exams: Schedule and "Conflict" Exams (11/29/16)
CTL Events Week of November 28 (11/29/16)
Immigration teach-in on Thursday 12/1 (11/29/16)
Finals and Academic Integrity (11/28/16)
Faculty Senate Plenary Thursday, December 1, in 14-250 at 12.30pm (11/28/16)
December 1 Faculty Lunch Seminar with Prof. Jean Gaffney (11/22/16)
CTL Post-Election Resources and Events (11/22/16)
Free Chamber Music Recital at BPAC Tuesday 11/29 (11/22/16)
Dr. Linda Lemiesz will serve as Associate Provost effective December 1, 2016 (11/21/16)
Campus Climate Working Group: Online Event (11/21/16)
CUNY Academy Travel Awards for Associate Professors (11/18/16)
PSC Chapter-Wide Meeting, Tuesday, November 29, 12:30-2:30 (11/16/16)
CTL Events Week of November 14 (11/14/16)
Climate Change Seminar - Award winning journalist to speak Thursday, Nov. 17 (11/9/16)
Faculty workshop on classroom conventions in China and pronunciation of Chinese names (11/8/16)
After-Election Event (11/7/16)
Honors Thesis Application Deadline Extended to December 1 (11/3/16)
Freshman Text for Fall 2017 (11/3/16)
Announcement for part-time faculty (11/2/16)
Two Items from the CTL: deadline extended and events this week (11/2/16)
Faculty Senate Plenary: Thursday, November 3, in 14-250 at 12.30pm (11/2/16)
Working with ELLs in the Classroom (11/2/16)
The Department of Black and Latino Studies Conversation & Coffee Series 2016 (11/2/16)
Fall 2016 Certification of Attendance Seven-Week II (November 1 - 4, 2016) (10/31/16)
Launch of the redesign of Dollars & Sense (10/29/16)
Alexander String Quartet Residence & FREE concert (10/27/16)
The Information Systems and Statistics Research Seminar Series - 11/15/16 - Prof. Kevin Craig (10/27/16)
Upcoming CTL Events in October (10/25/16)
Memorial for Michael Wyschogrod (10/24/16)
Baruch in Concert (10/24/16)
Identifying “At-Risk” Students (10/19/16)
Winter and Spring 2017 book orders (10/18/16)
CUNY Conflict of Interest policy (10/17/16)
Advanced Research Collaborative - Distinguished CUNY Fellowships (10/14/16)
Take Part in the Final Presidential Debate: #TextTalk2016 at Baruch, 8-9pm on 10/19 (10/14/16)
October CTL Events (10/14/16)
Fall 2016 Seven-Week One Grading Memorandum (October 19 - 26, 2016) (10/14/16)
CTL Faculty Fellows Spring 2017 Hybridization Seminar (10/13/16)
TODAY, 4pm: Presentation and lecture on Suriname's bestselling book "The Free Negress: Elisabeth" (10/13/16)
Harman Event on 10/18: A Reading and Conversation with Monique Truong (10/6/16)
Provost’s Fund to Support Faculty Research and Teaching Initiatives, 2016-17 (10/6/16)
Climate Change and Strategies for Global Sustainability - 2 Programs on October 20@Baruch (10/6/16)
Register now: The Schwartz Communication Institute Symposium (10/5/16)
Out of Darkness Community Walk (10/5/16)
Ads, Money and Politics - 10/13 @Baruch (9/30/16)
The Information Systems and Statistics Research Seminar Series - 3 Upcoming Events (9/30/16)
Question from the Bookstore: Do You Need Texts to Be Held in Stock? (9/30/16)
Announcement for part-time faculty (9/28/16)
This week at the CTL (9/27/16)
Procedures for two-year appointments, Baruch adjunct faculty (9/27/16)
Calendar Issue (9/26/16)
Introduction to SPAR Workshop (9/22/16)
Workshop on "Working with English Language Learners in the Classroom" (9/22/16) (POSTPONED)
Reporting news about faculty achievements (9/20/16)
OEDIPUS THE KING - Invitation to staged professional readings Sept. 26-29 (9/20/16)
Historical Fiction Writing Workshops (9/19/16)
Screening of "The Cost of Sugar" - 9/27 (9/19/16)
This Week at the CTL (Center for Teaching and Learning) (9/19/16)
International Conference of Undergraduate Research, Sept.27-28--Support our student researchers! (9/16/16)
Baruch College LGBT and Allies Meet & Greet (9/16/16)
Honorary Degrees - call for recommendations (9/15/16)
Academic support services for students (9/15/16)
Some notes regarding grades, including the WU (9/14/16)
Some upcoming features of the academic calendar for Fall 2016 (9/13/16-updated 9/16/16)
Definitions of "modes of instruction" (hybrid, online, etc.) and two upcoming events(9/12/16)
A few reminders to all instructors (9/12/16)
CUNY Fall Workshops for online and hybrid instruction (9/6/16-updated 9/15/16)
LUNCH & LEARN: Native American Imagery in North American Sports - 9/8 @Baruch (9/6/16)
Conversation Partners Program (9/6/16)
A Workshop on Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) (9/6/16)
Certification of Attendance Memorandum: Fall 2016 (September 1 - 14, 2016) (9/1/16)
Weekend reminder! (9/1/16)
Meeting Tomorrow: Baruch Faculty Senate, September 1, Plenary Meeting (8/31/16)
Upcoming Events from the Center for Teaching and Learning (8/29/16)
Oct 28 Deadline: Diversity Projects Development Fund 2016-2017 (8/29/16)
Services for Students with Disabilities (8/24/16)
Request an in-class workshop or classroom visit by the Writing Center (8/16/16)
Summer 2016 Session II and III Grading Memorandum (August 18, 2016 - August 23, 2016) (8/16/16)
Academic integrity statements for your syllabus (8/10/16)
Faculty and Staff for Latino and LGBT Heritage Months (7/26/16)
Summer II 2016 Certification of Attendance (July 25 - 27, 2016) (7/21/16)
Results of Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching for Winter and Spring 2016 (7/19/16)
Tools for Clear Speech: a newly independent student academic support service (7/11/16)
Honors Program at Baruch: Important Changes in Leadership (7/8/16)
New Leadership at SACC: Michele Doney will be the Director of the Student Academic Consulting Center (7/6/16)
RESULTS of May Elections: Committees of the General Faculty for the Academic Years 2016-2018 (6/28/16)
Spring 2016 Grading Deadline - Tonight at 11:59PM (6/6/16)
Summer I and III Certification of Attendance (June 8-12, 2016) (6/6/16)
Creative Inquiry Day (5/23/16)
International Conference of Undergraduate Research: Encourage Students to Apply by May 26! (5/20/16)
Commencement Reminders for Faculty and Staff (5/18/16)
Spring 2016 Grading Memorandum (May 20 - June 6, 2016) (5/18/16)
Student Evaluations of Courses and Teaching - Spring 2016 (5/16/16)
Professional Development Opportunity (5/14/16)
CORRECTION: The final exam period is MAY 20, MAY 22-26, and MAY 28 (5/13/16)
Freshman Text for Fall 2016 (5/11/16)
Final Exams and Academic Integrity (5/10/16)
Summer workshops for online and hybrid instruction (5/10/16)
New Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning (5/9/16)
Nominate Your Students' Writing for Publication (5/9/16)
REVISED Election Ballot: Committees of the General Faculty for the Academic Years 2016-2018 (5/9/16)
Policy on Faculty Assigning for Purchase Their Own Works in Classrooms (5/3/16)
Final Exams: Schedule and "Conflict" Exams (5/3/16)
Baruch Faculty Senate, May 5 Plenary Meeting (5/3/16)
Election Ballot: Committees of the General Faculty for the Academic Years 2016-2018 (5/3/16)
Yes, this is the week of RENT at Baruch (5/3/16)
5/3 Mitsui Lunch-Time Forum w/Michael Bodson of DTCC (5/2/16)
Fulbright American Scholar Awards to Canada NOW OPEN (5/2/16)
Business in a Climate-Compatible World - Thursday, May 5, 12:45 (5/2/16)
Campaign '16@Baruch: #HashtagPolitics (5/2/16)
Faculty research seminar on business analytics - Prof. David Schuff (4/27/16)
2016 Presidential Excellence Awards for Distinguished Scholarship, Service, and Teaching (4/22/16)
CTL Summer Workshop on Teaching for Adjunct Faculty (4/21/16)
Resonances: Writers on the Classics, TODAY at 6:00 p.m. in BPAC's Engelman Recital Hall (4/21/16)
Mishkin Gallery - "Baruch Small Works" (4/18/16)
Free Webcast: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) Conference (4/18/16)
The 44th Annual Percy E. Sutton SEEK Awards Ceremony (4/15/16)
Minimizing Unconscious Bias: A workshop by Dr. Robbin Chapman (4/15/16)
CTL Workshops (4/13/16)
Refract Magazine (student journal) (4/13/16)
REMINDER: Baruch College's 2016 Commencement Exercises (4/13/16)
Baruch Means Beethoven (and Mozart, Haydn, Mendelssohn, and Shostakovich) (4/11/16)
Andrew Gelman on "Little Data" - April 14 at 12:45 (4/8/16)
The Alt-Manga Symposium - Thursday, April 7 (4/6/16)
Dissent and Dissension: Approaching Ultra-Orthodoxy (4/6/16)
The Health Consequences of a Changing Climate - April 21st at Baruch College (4/5/16)
Seeking Summer Faculty Mentors - Baruch College Now STEM Research Academy - (4/5/16)
Baruch Faculty Senate, April 7th Plenary Meeting (4/4/16)
Time to register for Creative Inquiry Day - May 19 (4/4/16)
Attendance and Grades (4/1/16)
Event tomorrow, March 31 (3/30/16)
Using Assessment Results - Forum open to all faculty (3/30/16)
Baruch College Grant Development Program (3/28/16)
Faculty funding opportunities (3/28/16)
Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics for 2015 (3/24/16)
Unprecedented Politics: Dissecting the 2016 Presidential Primaries (3/22/16)
Teaching Languages in the Technological Age (3/22/16)
April-May workshops for online and hybrid instruction (3/21/16)
Newsletter from the Center for Teaching and Learning (3/18/16)
Spring 2016 - First Seven-Week Grading Memorandum (March 22-30, 2016) (3/17/16)
Immersive Worlds: Science, Narrative, and the Arts (3/16/16)
A Reading and Conversation with Amitav Ghosh (3/15/16)
Baruch Maker Hub Faculty Assignment Design Challenge (3/10/16)
An Invitation: Robyn Ochs, Bisexuality Activist and Icon (3/9/16)
Book orders for Summer and Fall 2016 (3/9/16)
Faculty Lunch Seminar - Storytelling In and Out of the Classroom: Baruch's Dreamer Diplomats (3/7/16)
Textbook Returns (3/4/16)
You're invited to a Film Screening and Conversation about Innovation in Education (3/4/16)
Faculty and staff for Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (3/3/16)
Presentation and lecture by Dr. Ana María Hernández (3/2/16)
Baruch College's 51st Commencement Exercises (3/1/16)
Plenary Meeting of the Faculty Senate, Thursday, March 3, at 12:30 (3/1/16)
Call for Proposals: CUE Conference 2016 (2/25/16)
CUNY Conflicts of Interest policy (2/24/16)
Committee Membership – Call for Nominations (2/22/16)
Faculty Lunch Seminar, March 3 (2/18/16)
The Passing of Professor Isabel Cid Sirgado (2/18/16)
Invitation to the Abingdon Theatre from Stan Altman (2/17/16)
Export Controls (2/17/16)
Updating your digital measures profile (2/17/16)
Helpful Tips and Information for Blackboard and other Instructional Technologies (2/16/16)
Spring 2016 Verification of Attendance (February 18-26, 2016) (2/16/16)
RFP: Faculty Research Seminars, 2016-17. (2/11/16)
Important for faculty and staff: Experiential Learning Symposium (Guttman Community College - May 6) (2/8/16)
Attention Baruch Artists! Enter the Mishkin Gallery Juried Show (2/5/16)
Research in the Classroom Workshop - registration information (2/5/16)
Baruch Student Journalists Report on Arts, Culture, and Change in Cuba (2/5/16)
Farewell and Good Luck to Marjorie Dorimé-Williams! (2/5/16)
Faculty Research Seminars Spring 2016 (2/4/16)
Some notes regarding grades (2/3/16)
Conversation Partners Program (2/3/16)
Limited service available from Ron Aaron (2/2/16)
Academic integrity statements for your syllabus (or supplement) (2/2/16)
Please prepare to meet WSAS Dean Candidate Aldemaro Romero (2/2/16)
Students' New Play Festival: Free Open Dress Rehearsal, Friday Feb. 5 at 7:00 pm (2/2/16)
Plenary Meeting of the Faculty Senate, Thursday, February 4 at 12:30 (2/2/16)
Scheduling Final Examinations and Changing Rooms (2/1/16)
NEW: The Writing Center offers in-class workshops (1/27/16)
Collaborative Online International Learning (1/27/16)
An Additional Weissman Dean Candidate (1/26/16)
Committee Membership – Call for Nominations (1/25/16)
Procedures for the Approval of Research Agreements (1/25/16)
Winter 2016 Grading Memorandum (January 26 - 28, 2016) (1/21/16)
Some features of the academic calendar for Spring 2016 (1/21/16)
An Invitation to Faculty Reception *Tomorrow* at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (1/21/16)
Results of Student Evaluation of Courses and Teaching for Fall 2015 (1/20/16)
A Memorial Note for Michael Wyschogrod (1/6/16)
Winter 2016 Verification of Attendance Memorandum (January 7-10, 2016) (1/6/16)
Ethics Week 2016 (March 28-April 2) (1/4/16)